
Creating a new challenge should be as simple as possible and maintaining an existing one should be even more simple.

That's why we try to have multiple opinionated "drivers" that will match most common ecosystems:

We plan to add more drivers later in order to support more advanced use-cases, including advanced networking, specific-hardware, etc. (First ideas are: k8s, VMs, hardware, lambdas, blockchains, etc)


A Pathwar challenge is composed of:

This document describes the specifications to create an image.

If you plan to create your first challenge, we strongly encourage you to look at examples as a source of inspiration.

Docker images

The most common way of creating a challenge for Pathwar is by creating Docker images.

The minimal amount of modifications to make an existing image "pathway-ready" are:

You can get a look at this minimal example: [master/challenge/example/hello-world](