📒 Pathwar is an educational platform with a focus on security/cryptography, where you can go through challenges (courses) to learn new things and hone your skills

In this introduction you will discover how to manipulate pathwar locally in order to contribute.

  1. First of all start by cloning the project
**git clone [email protected]:pathwar/pathwar.git**
  1. Then move to the folder, and run **make install** at the root

Make install will allow you to install the pathwar CLI.

💡 You can find out more about the different CLI commands here: CLI Pathwar

Pathwar is currently composed of: an API and an Agent and a web interface

You can start the API + Agent with the command

**pathwar dev server**

💡 The api will bind on 8000 while the agent will bind the Nginx on 8001 You can specify these arguments in the command line.